At First Suez Marine, we are fully committed to our people and their safety. This is more than just a statement within First Suez Marine, it's a mindset and it is reinforced though innovative programs and initiatives. In addition, these efforts are supplemented by constant measure and analysis of injury and incident rates to identify what impact our initiatives are having on our overall safety performance. This allows for trending, benchmarking and continuous improvement. We believe that ensuring the safety of our employees, subcontractors and visitors to our vessels, as well as the safety at our job sites or offices is a moral obligation. Here, safety is not a competing priority with schedules or profitability, it is an unconditional core value that is non-negotiable in the way we undertake our business.
First Suez Marine realizes the impact of workplace incidents often extends well beyond the injured worker and can have a devastating impact upon co-workers, families, friends, and entire communities. Not taking the appropriate precautions is simply not worth the risk. We empower everyone to be a safety leader, because safety is everyone's responsibility, every minute of every day on every job. Our goal is to create and sustain a culture where everybody understands, accepts, and actively shares in this responsibility - knowing that the lives that we are affecting extend well beyond our own.
At SFMTowing we recognize provincial and federal regulations for what they are: minimum standards to be rigorously upheld and exceeded where best practice dictates and where the safety of workers is not assured. To this end, SFMTowing commits that every reasonable effort shall be made in the interest of incident prevention to provide for safe and healthy working conditions, to eliminate hazards and control risks that can cause injury to workers or damage to the environment, property and equipment, and to promote a culture of shared accountability. We work with our employees, our subcontractors, our clients and our suppliers in a spirit of consultation and co-operation to achieve this. Together we are, and will continue to be, leaders in occupational health and safety.
In essence our position is that every incident is preventable, the only acceptable standard is zero incidents, and that working safely is a fundamental condition of employment. At First Suez Marine, "The Safe Way is the Only Way".